Man held for raping 4-year-old daughter

Published Aug 23, 2011



A FATHER has been arrested for the alleged rape of his four-year-old daughter, and a man was arrested after an 11-year-old boy was raped in a separate incident in Soweto.

A 34-year-old father was arrested on Saturday for allegedly raping his daughter in Zola 3.

Police spokesman Warrant Officer Kay Makhubela said the incident was reported to the police after the mother of the girl “noticed something unusual in her private parts”.

Police said the boy from Mofolo North had allegedly been raped by the 39-year-old suspect “several times since June” before he broke the silence at the weekend.

The suspect was arrested in Meadowlands, where he was identified by the boy yesterday morning.

“The young boy was playing in the street on Saturday when the suspect approached him and asked him to come with him to get some food. He then took him to a shack in Mofolo North, where he allegedly raped him,” said Makhubela.

“The boy went back home and told his parents what had happened, and police were notified. Police were led by the boy to a place where the alleged rape happened…

“In his statement to the police, the boy explained that it was not the first time he was raped by the suspect this weekend. He said there had been similar incidents in June and July.”

These alleged incidents happened about three weeks after the 37-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly attempted to rape a 13-year-old boy in Zola 1.

Makhubela said the suspect gave the boy R7 and took him to an open field, where he pulled down the youngster’s trousers and his own.

He was allegedly “trying to penetrate him before he was disrupted by people passing, who screamed at (him) and stopped him”.

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