Mothers overjoyed that Soweto will have its own maintenance court

Published Mar 7, 2012



MOTHER-of-three Portia Mavuso, 43, is relieved that Soweto will soon have its own maintenance court.

For the past 10 years she has had to travel from her Phiri home to the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court to access maintenance funds for her children.

Mavuso uses either a taxi or a bus, but sometimes she does not have money for the fare, and consequently is unable to fetch the money.

This means her children go hungry and are unable to go to school.

She wants to know why it has taken so long to open a maintenance court in Soweto.

“I have already spent a lot of money commuting to fetch the maintenance money, and having such a service on our doorstep will come in very handy,” she said. “I cannot wait for that day when the court is open in Soweto.”

Maria Sebotsa, 49, of Emndeni, – the unemployed mother of two girls, aged 10 and seven – said it had always been a hassle to go to town for the funds.

“You can imagine the embarrassment of having to ask for money from stran- gers to get the taxi fare back home.

“And when you reach home without the money you still have to explain to your children – and the person who lent you money.

“The maintenance money for my two girls is not enough, and it is as if they are punishing us to have to come to Joburg for the funds.”

Sebotsa said she cursed each time she had to collect maintenance. “This place is always full because they service people from all parts of Joburg.

“I hope that with the Soweto court the long queues will be a thing of the past.”

Pinkie Tshabalala, 53, of Chiawelo Extension, was elated. “The Protea court is a stone’s throw away from my house and it is going to save me the pain of getting to taxis to go to the city centre. I wish they could hurry up. We’ve had enough.”

Department of Justice and Constitutional Development spokesman Tlali Tlali said the department intended to have facilities and services made available at courts in Soweto and other townships

However, he could not give a date for the opening.

He said the department was waiting for the delivery of a park home which would be used for the services.

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