Pastor attends sexpo in the name of God

Published Aug 26, 2011


Bronwyn Fourie

Surrounded by sex toys and skimpy lingerie, Pastor Richard Baird looked a tad out of place in his church exhibition cubicle.

The Baptist pastor had a bird’s-eye view of pole dancers, porn stars and partially clad exhibitors.

But Baird admitted it was an adjustment for him to be part of the opening day of the Durban sexpo yesterday.

He said he had merely enquired about dropping off some religious material at the sexpo, but was given his own exhibit area instead.

“I believe that the door opened for me to come here, I did not ask. I honestly believe God led me here.”

Baird’s presence was to provide a vehicle for couples to chat, he said.

Baird knows he may face some criticism for attending an event where exhibitors paint with their penises and show off vibrators, and women expose their breasts.

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