Soweto Artists Should Host Shows

Published Mar 20, 2012



IT’S NO secret that art is alive in Soweto, but artists are disheartened by the barren market in the township.

Sello Mntuyedwa, a printmaker, sketch artist and painter from Dube, is not the only artist to lament the limited opportunities. Fabric artist Kenneth Nkosi says the fact that there are no art galleries in Soweto poses the greatest challenge for artists.

However, museum and gallery curator and experienced artist Khwezi Gule has a different take on matters.

“A gallery is the end destination for most artists. People need to get into the habit of hosting their own exhibitions, even if it is from rented rooms or spaces around the township. You must be in group shows, your work must have a few reviews in art journals and newspapers and, importantly, there must be interest in your work.

“I think part of what needs to happen is for artists to curate their own exhibitions. Generally, to put on an exhibition one needs a lot of money, so I’d advise artists to save up for at least six months.

“There are some under-utilised spaces in Soweto where artists can host their exhibitions, but first obviously you need permission from the owner of that space,” Gule says.

Exhibitions need to be professional in every sense for an artist’s work to be taken note of, Gule adds.

“You definitely need funds for printers (for drawings and paintings), framing, invitations and the opening.

“The art market in the country is quite small but there is potential for growth.

“There is also a big gap between people with money and those with the art, but it can be bridged.

“One just needs to use what’s available to them.”

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