South African residents and travellers warned to be on high alert for deadly rabies

The public is advised to avoid stray dogs. Picture: Jovin Kallis/Unsplash

The public is advised to avoid stray dogs. Picture: Jovin Kallis/Unsplash

Published Dec 20, 2022


According to a study titled “Rabies Exposures, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis, and Deaths in a Region of Endemic Canine Rabies”, Rabies is a serious viral infection that causes dangerous neurological symptoms that eventually lead to death. And it can be passed from infected animals to humans.

At the moment, South Africa’s high-risk rabies provinces include; KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga, as well as the border between the Free State and Lesotho. The coastal areas of KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape is particularly high risk.

The Department urges people to avoid getting in contact with stray dogs and cats; and to not approach or touch them.

Picking up stray animals and inviting them into your home puts your family and the rest of the area in danger. Instead, report stray animals to local welfare authorities.

Remember that rabies may occur anywhere in South Africa and therefore avoid the handling of animals that you do not know. The biggest threat to human health is infected dogs and cats.

Keep in mind, rabies can be transmitted through saliva of the infected animal, when it bites, scratches or licks a person.

Signs and symptoms of an infected animal.

  • Changes in behaviour, but it varies widely from unprovoked attacks to overly friendly or simply appearing sleepy.
  • They may drool a lot due to not being able to swallow
  • Weak and unresponsive.

Once animals and humans are infected there is no curative treatment, and it is 100% fatal. If you suspect that you have been exposed to an animal that may have rabies, it is important to wash the wound very well with soap under running water and to seek preventative treatment at your nearest healthcare facility immediately, this could save your life.