How to eat your way to a summer body

Take the time to search for some recipes which tickle your taste buds. Picture: Pexels/Daria Shevtsova

Take the time to search for some recipes which tickle your taste buds. Picture: Pexels/Daria Shevtsova

Published Jul 28, 2022


After months of hiding from the winter's cold under the protective warmth of bulky clothes, it's time to start concentrating on eating healthy with the goal of getting that great summer body.

Diet isn't everything though.

Exercising is also an important component as you try to get in shape, but what you eat will ultimately have more influence over your figure.

Here are some tips to help you obtain that beach body by the time summer rolls around.

Exercising is also an important component as you try to get in shape, but what you eat will ultimately have more influence over your figure. Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

Variety and enjoyment

Take the time to search for some recipes which tickle your taste buds, they do not need to be difficult and you do not need to be a MasterChef.

Variety will help you enjoy your meals more. If you are short on time precut frozen vegetables are a great go-to which is also friendly on the wallet.

Say no to takeaways

Aside from the obvious reasons to avoid these food options, you are also more likely to eat more if you dine out as opposed to eating delicious food at home. This will save you time and money.

Here are some healthy alternatives to your favourite junk foods.

Kale and noodle goodness bowl with poached eggs. Picture: Jacqui Melville

Enjoy seasonal vegetables

You can never have too many veggies and winter brings a full variety that are healthy and delicious.

Try incorporating some of the season’s freshest vegetables into your meals, such as carrots, red cabbage, kale, radishes, or parsley.

For a tasty lunch, try this kale and noodle goodness bowl with poached eggs.

Eat a protein-filled meal or snack within 30 minutes of finishing your workout.

Don’t forget! The most obvious foods are chicken, turkey, and salmon, but you can also get your protein fix from eggs, Greek yoghurt, nuts and seeds, and protein powders.